So-U Photography
My initial inspiration to examine the theme of wasteland came from the urban environment which I live in and the rural environment which I cherish visiting. Living in Dublin I can’t help but notice, despair, become fearful about the waste and destruction that surrounds the city: Old buildings left to ruin, new buildings left, uncompleted, void of living, void of capital to complete what once was an elaborate, modern and ultimately daft design proposed by architects and builders.

Drimnagh, on the red Luas line, is a source of anger for me. Here, through metal railings a large space with a collapsed building can be seen. Debris, refuse and pollution radiate from this site like a disease. Graffiti decorates the still stand walls reading “Please Lord, don’t let me be misunderstood.” I am sure the individual who wrote this was projecting their own feelings, however when I see this line to me it represents this “Wasteland”: Don’t misunderstand this piece of land, this was not the dream, it is just the product of a wasteful population.

The skyline that surrounds this area and many urban districts in Ireland are filled with cranes, static, representing our greed.

In contrast to this man-made wasteland is the natural “Wasteland” of the vast and barren Burren in Co. Clare. This space filled with rocks and flora moves me. When I walk over the rocks of the Burren and climb to a high point so I can look over the surrounding area I feel compelled to share this beauty with people through my art. In, the past I have heard people describe the Burren as “Boring” or “Grey”. Indeed, there is a lot of grey, but it is far from boring. It is not until you are immersed in the beauty of the Burren that you realise its true beauty and uniqueness. The shapes and patterns created by the rocks are intriguing. The tonal ranges of greys and blue greys are calming. The flora and the weeds are among the most diverse in the world. The precious stone Amythus is a hidden treasure that only walkers can realise.
I have studied the contrasting spaces and have documented this through photography. I have focussed on the patterns created in the Burren and also weeds sprouting from the soil. Through the use of photography I was able to assemble a large body of visual documentation.

Within my visual studies of this environment I completed many visual studies of weeds and also of patterns I could see in the Burren. Dogweed was my main source for observational drawings. Within my body of visual studies I used mixed media but mainly focused on the use of watercolour for the weeds and thicker media such as acrylic for the rock patterns.
The Cyanotype process.....which I might add is so much fun if a little unpredictable!
City Lights #1
City lights #2
City lights #3
So-U: Photography

So-U: Photography

This project consists of digital phtography based on "wasteland" that has inspired my creations as a fibre artist/textile designer
